How to make a custom border in ImageFramer

Today we’re going to provide you with an ImageFramer tutorial that shows you how to create a border from scratch. We’ve created the exact same design using Photoshop in How to add a border in Photoshop but we’re going to make it even easier with...

How to add a border in Photoshop

If you want to add borders or mats to any photo, you can do so with Photoshop. Although ImageFramer has hundreds of designs available at your fingertips, we are going to provide you with a tutorial that shows you how to create a border in Photoshop. Launch Photoshop...

ImageFramer v Adobe Photoshop: digital framing apps compared

ImageFramer and Adobe® Photoshop® are two different apps that can be used to achieve similar results. ImageFramer can add a frame to any photo with the click of a button and Photoshop provides the tools to create the frame from scratch. There is no question about...

How to choose the perfect color scheme for framing your art

When you’re trying to learn more about framing and matting, choosing the right color combination is a critical decision. The first impression from a framed artwork is primarily based on its color composition. The colors are stored in our memory much longer than the...

Gold frames in classic paintings and modern art

Since the onset of a picture frame history as we know it, frames have always been gilded. The classic golden color of a frame is mainly used due to its symbolism—wealth and luxury. But frames were also gilded for other reasons. Let’s explore the popularity of gold...